DNA matters

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Instincts-Life cannot continue without them. All life forms are bestowed with one instinct or another. Now, if I were to pose a question to you – which amongst all instincts do you find the most beautiful and sophisticated of all, what would you answer? (Though this would require defining first, what is meant by sophisticated and beautiful, but we all have a general idea). Would it be the survival instinct that makes every living organism right from the smallest bacteria to the largest mammal fight to protect itself and consume nutrition to continue its being or would it be the reproductive instinct that makes a life form seek out its counterpart in order to produce more of its kind? Or would it be the maternal instinct that makes a female organism protect, feed and nurture its offspring.
Though this list is not exhaustive by far, If you ask me it is the maternal instinct that would get most votes.

I was recently witness to a poignant image of a very frail small female dog being aggressively suckled by its healthy looking puppies without any form of resistance from her. The puppies repeatedly hurt her breast with their sharp teeth but she seemed to take it in her stride. I also saw how the same dog got really wild when a big dog which she is otherwise quite submissive towards, came close to her pups. That for me was the defining image of a mother. She wants her children to prosper even if it is at her cost, she will protect her children from danger even if it means perishing in the process. A child is just an extension of herself for a mother, for her it is not a separate entity, for her it is another herself. In fact I feel that for a mother her children are a special part of herself, one who would be kept on a higher pedestal than herself, whose interests would be kept above her own.
I offer my Genuflections to Mother nature for creating the Nature of a Mother.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

My biological life has been a little upset off late. I have been constantly sick albeit slightly since the last few months. The sickness has alternated between throat infection and a stomach upset. I was thinking about why this has been happening to me and I was able to do a sort of reductio-ad-absurdum of the whole thing.
The first thing that happened was that summer dawned, because of that one day after coming from the heat I drank a cold drink. This drink made my throat go sour and I got a cold. Because of that cold I was not able to cook food at home, so I ate outside for a few days (I have an extremely sensitive tummy), after which I contracted a stomach infection. By this time the cold had subsided and I was cooking at home again and now I was taking anti-biotics for treating the stomach ailment. It is known that anti-biotics cause the immunity to go down a little bit.
One day in the morning I was getting late so I had bath with cold water. My immunity was low so I contracted cold again. So I stopped cooking at home again and then started eating outside food and then my stomach got a little upset again…this time it was not that bad though. I only had a sore tongue and palate. This caused any food that was slightly spicy to feel really hot. Whenever I ate such food my mouth would burn. And then I would have cold water to quell the feeling. And then I would catch the cold again…..And then someone said that life is a circle.

Some of the one liners I have been writing off late.

Difference Between Gandhi and Ambani : Both Gujratis Had a Habit oF Breaking Laws, The Difference Was, Gandhi did it For an Interest In Higher Principles On The other Hand Ambani Did it For a Higher Interest on Principals....

Difference Between God And Father: God: In His Will Is Our Peace....Father: In His Will Is Our Piece...

Manipulation of Ideas...Scientist.Manipulation of Words....Poet.Manipulation of Money...Entrepreneur.Manipulation of People....Politician

Marx And Classes, Then And Now: Earlier Marx Taught Us About Classes, Now (Coaching) Classes Teach Our Children About Marks...

Fools are Always Sure of Themselves....The Wise Always in Doubt.....Confucius......Hey How can you be so sure it's a confucius quote?

Newtons Fourth Law Of Inertia: Bodies In a State oF Rest Continue To Be In A State Of Rest (Especially on Saturday Mornings) Unless Acted Upon By Cataclysmic Forces...

India,The World's Backoffice..China,The World's Factory...Iraq,Afghanistan...The World's Killing Fields....United States...The World....

Why Do People Go Beyond Familiarity When Familiarity Breeds Contempt....I Guess Its The Breeding That Makes It Worth The While...

A Scientist Called Spencer Wells Has Proved That Everyone's Related...Who's Spencer Wells? He's my Distant Uncle

And Finally my Favourite

Fun Is A Lovely Feeling....And Love....Well....Its a Funny Feeling....


Friday, April 25, 2008

I often hear people talk about how social and personal life is basically a system of barter. I give something to someone and get something in return for it.
Barter is the exchange of commodities of equal value. It was the system used
to run the economy in ancient civilizations.
I do not want to talk about barter as regards the economy, what I want to talk about is when this notion of barter is taken to extend to our personal lives as well.
In my previous employment when I had left the job, I thanked my employer for having given me the opportunity to work with him. He responded to me very humbly by saying that there was no need to thank him as it was a matter of give and take. He further added that social life is based on give and take and that one loves one's father only because he helps you out in tough times.
I was left with a nebulous sense of disagreement after I left his room but I was able to clear the cobwebs after sometime by giving a little more thought to it.
I asked myself, do I really love my Mom and Dad because they help me in tough times? At least for me, the answer is an emphatic no. I do agree that there is some form of give and take with my parents, in which they give and I take. I also reciprocate to their deeds with actions indicating the sense of gratitude I feel towards them. But the point at which I completely disagree with my ex-employer is where he talks about this exchange as being the basis of the relationship.
I would certainly not stop loving my parents if they were unable to help me in difficult times. And they would not stop loving me if I were to be ungrateful to their actions towards me. There is an exchange though, at the level of feelings and emotion. But calling this an exchange would be to undermine the essence of this give and take.
To call this kind of give and take where one person can feel the other person being a part of oneself, which endures even when it becomes one-sided, is done more justice to by calling it a bond, something much stronger, deeper and enduring than the relationship of give and take.
I feel it is the kind of give and take that you have with yourself. Exchange is really a misnomer for the relationship. An exchange assumes that there are two separate entities each acting in its self interest. This assumption just does not hold true in a lot many relationships like the one I just talked about.
I would just say that the view of personal relationships as a form of barter reflects a sorry state of affairs as far as the mind of the person who believes in it is concerned. I for one can never look at my relationship with my Dad and Mom or my Brother or Granny or someone else who is close as a form of barter. It is a really sorry idea that I would never like to be forced into believing in.
