DNA matters

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Engineer's Formula :
Sometime back I had taken it upon myself to accomplish a number of different things.
The tasks I had assigned myself were almost close to impossible by my own judgment and probably that of most normal people.
Later with a lot of mental resistance I gave myself in to the idea of jettisoning more than half the major tasks that I had vowed myself to accomplish. Having almost reconciled to the new state of affairs and almost happy with it, I was taking a walk one day after my Foreign language class where I saw a massive truck resting high on a jack on one of the sides.
Something struck me about that sight. The jack was obviously raised up by a human being, but it would have been preposterous to ask even the world's strongest human being to lift the massive truck without a jack.
The lifting of the truck by the jack had a story to tell about the engineering mind and how difficult problems can be solved.
What the jack does is that it breaks up the task of lifting the massive weight into a huge number of small sub-tasks, i.e lifting the weight by only 1 millimeter in each go.
Then, it enables you to utilize all your force in accomplishing that small sub-task because of the use of the long shaft to apply the force. Once you achieve that small sub-task, it ensures that the the task is not rolled back, and the effort not wasted. This way after several manageable iterations one is able to lift the gargantuan truck my more than a foot or so.
I found this approach to problem solving highly appealing and something that everyone can take inspiration from in conducting their own lives and solving the problems they are faced with.


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