DNA matters

Monday, August 30, 2010

Cultural melange : Anur Ram Puniyani
Father: Punjabi,but no roots in Punjab. Came to India from Pakistan after Partition, lived in Vidarbha district of Maharashtra, heavy cultural influence of Vidarbha.
Mother Gujarati, never been to Gujarat. Brought up in Amravati and Aurangabad (small towns in Maharashtra ), very fluent in Marathi and steeped in Marathi culture.
Self :Anur Puniyani, First name Sinhalese (Srilankan), which means lover of peace. Was given this name by a friend of Parents who was Sinhalese.
Second name Puniyani, very rare Punjabi name that sounds much more Sindhi than Punjabi.
Born and brought up in IIT Bombay, had friends spanning the cultural gamut. Right from Tamilians, Maharastrians, Kannadigas, Goanese, Andhraites, Assamese, Bengali, Oriya, Punjabis, UPites.
Who am I then ?
Well I had responded thus when I was asked this question by a fellow traveller, as a 14 year old boy travelling on a train with friends, in a very filmi and cocky way :
Insaan hoon bas (I'm just a Human being :)). Still makes me laugh when I recollect the incident.


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