DNA matters

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Forcing The Child Or Taking The Force Out oF Him / Her ?

We are all familiar with situations in which we see children doing things that we don't want them to do. Like for example a child eating too much ice cream. Now if you have to stop the child from eating ice cream what would you do ? Give it a nice little reprimand about eating ice-cream right ? That would create a negative incentive for the child and the child may indeed reduce eating ice-cream, but that would still leave a feeling of love for ice-cream and you bear the risk that once you are not there the child will try to eat ice-cream.
But I have a solution to this problem, something that will completely eliminate the love for something that the child finds so delicious and enjoys like nothing else. You know what the solution is ? Well most parents are experts at its implementation so it should not come as any surprise. The solution is that you drown the child in ice-cream, put ice cream into its mouth whenever he / she opens it. Keep nagging it to eat ice-cream whenever you speak to him.
That way I can guarantee you that your child will not only stop eating ice-cream, but will start hating it from his guts. It will feel nauseated the moment someone mentions it.

Well those of us who have children are already doing it right ? Instead of respecting the child's intelligence and understanding, we think we can manipulate the child the way we want. A general underlying principle that comes out of all this is that, when things are forced on to you, no matter how much likable the thing is, you will still hate it. Because the first reaction is to get rid of the feeling of being forced, only when I get rid of that feeling can I see whether the thing is good for me or not. That applies so much to learning as well. Learning is so much fun. Who does not like to think about how the world works ? Why apples always fall down or why there is night and day ? Or what lies beneath our skin ? So when we force people to learn (memorize would be more apt) these things, we are making sure that our children will never love science or math or history or arts. Or probably as a society we do not want people who think freely, whose minds are unlocked from the matrix. We (or lets say the beneficiary ) want people who can think and are smart only in their little world, drones who can do their job well, but cannot think about anything else, who in other words behave like a battery which gives out 3.2 BTUs of body heat, which when combined with a form of fission provides the perfect source of value creation for the powers that be. And that shall be the topic of our next discussion. For now, all I'll say is forcing the child, drains him / her of his / her force.


Blogger Rahul said...

(memorize would be more apt) nice one ..dood....i am learning so much :P

9:39 PM  

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